Year 2023 EcoHeat Technologies has completed and put into operation a new container-type boiler house complex SIA Mārupes Siltumnīcas, which consists of 2 biomass water-heated boiler units with a capacity of each unit of 0.95 MW and a total boiler house capacity of 1.9 MW.
In the new boiler house, heat energy is produced using local, renewable energy resources – wood chips, which will allow Mārupe Greenhouses to significantly reduce natural gas consumption. EcoHeat Technologies modular boiler houses are a solution developed and manufactured entirely in Latvia.
The investment in the boiler house is a little over a million euros and the new boiler house solution will allow significant savings in energy costs. For example, at current prices, it is possible to produce 1 MWh of heat with wood chips, which costs 30-35 euros, while with natural gas, 1 MWh currently costs about 55 euros.
Описание Проекта
“By building a wood chip boiler house, we diversified our heat supply sources. By using wood chips for heating, we significantly increase the proportion of heat obtained from renewable energy resources, because until now we provided part of the heating with heat obtained from biogas. Šķelda is Latvia’s local energy source with a stable and cost-effective offer. The transition to this local solution complements the production cycle of our products as a Latvian producer, that is, now our vegetables are not only grown in Latvia, but it is done using heat produced from Latvian raw materials,” says Maruta Kravale, member of the board of SIA Mārupes Siltumnīcas.
“Modular container-type biomass boiler houses are a versatile solution, because their production and installation require approximately 70% less time than the construction of a traditional boiler house, and later the operation of the boiler house itself gives significant efficiency gains, since the operation of such a boiler house is fully automated and it works without the constant presence of personnel presence,” says Sandis Gromovs, member of the Board of SIA EcoHeat Technologies.
The operators of the new boiler house monitor and regulate it remotely, while the control devices show the values of temperature, pressure, oxygen quantity and fuel bunker filling. Combustion control is automated, control is adjusted for all power modes according to the programmed fuel.
Суммарная мощность станции 1.9 МВт. Основное топливо - щепа. Модульная безоператорная отопительная установка состоит из двух модулей контейнерных котельных и контейнера для хранения древесной щепы, цепного конвейера для топлива и контейнера для золы.
Модуль контейнерной котельной содержит котел, систему нагрева воды (с насосами, теплообменником и т. Д.), вытяжной вентилятор, средства управления электроэнергией и автоматикой, а также оборудование для управления, а также дымоход, установленный снаружи контейнера. Отверстие для разгрузки печи соединено с конвейером для золы и контейнером для удаления золы из котла.
Modular containers are delivered to the facility fully equipped with all necessary equipment. If necessary, container-type equipment can be moved to another location.
Full article: Dienas bizness 20.04.2023
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